Support for Talented Young Sports People
The Foundation is dedicated to inspiring young people to participate in a lifetime of sporting activity.
Unfortunately many young people who have sporting talent find it hard to continue with their chosen sport once they start work or further education.
This initiative aims to match talented young sports people with businesses that can give advice and support to enable them to continue developing their sporting prowess while still working or studying.
This is a joint initiative between the Foundation and Shropshire Council.
If you are a business that can see the potential of working with such dedicated young people or know a sports person who might benefit, please contact the Foundation via the contact details.
Here a few examples of the young people helped so far:
Hi, My name is Ellinor Southward.
I am 16 years of age & have been a swimmer with Ellesmere College Titans since 2011, representing England & Team GB at International level.
In 2016 I was allocated a placement with the New Saints Football Club in Oswestry.
I spend an amazing day with the Physio and Marketing teams.
I gained valuable experience with them, learned new skills & it helped to build my confidence. Gill & her team were amazing & it was interesting to see the working environment within business. She also said that I could go back at any time for work experience as they were pleased with my help & input.
I would definitely recommend for others to take part in the project as it helps individuals to gain valuable experience & could help with job opportunities in the future.
Caroline and Lottie Hulme, attended Ellesmere College.
Their sports specialism is Hockey for which they have represented Wales in the Under 16, 18 and 21 level teams in various tournaments across the U.K. and indeed Europe.
During 2015 they were signed for Brooklands Poynton (Manchester) who play in the second tier of England women's hockey and ranked one of the top North of England clubs.
They both aim to go to University and are interested in business, sales and marketing careers although sport will remain high on their agendas. Through the initiative both girls were placed with local businesses. Caroline with Morris Properties and Lottie with Shropshire Festivities.
Both were very impressed with the help and support they received and in particular, Beth Heath (Shropshire Festivities) gave advice of how both could self promote as well as making arrangements for dual appearances at certain Quarry Park venues e.g. The Flower show and Food Festival.
Special thanks must go to Graham Jenner for his dedication to the work of bringing young people and businesses together.